I've noticed that once, maybe twice, a year, since coming home, I start getting really natsukashii for Okinawa. During these times I find myself flipping through my journals, googling people I've lost contact with, and calling or emailing those I am still in contact with. The idea for this blog came during one of those "episodes" and has been percolating in the back of my mind for a while. One night, about two weeks ago, percolation reached a full boil and I found myself unable to sleep as my mind grew unbearably curious as to what became of those I considered close friends but haven't heard from since I left the island.
So I got up and started doing searches for "Karl T. Pope" figuring this might be a good angle of attack, since I hadn't done searches on the President's name before. This lead me to the Japan Fukuoka Mission Alumni site which has a section for Okinawan missionaries, which was a treasure trove of contact information. Somehow, I'm not sure why, I then did a search on Facebook for Jason Matsuoka, figuring he, of all the senkyoshis I served with, would probably have a Facebook . . . and I was right. From his profile I found a number of Kikan Senkyoshi, as well as the Japan Okinawa Mission Facebook Group.
This highly productive night has born much fruit. Since then I've had 2 hour+ phone conversations with, Norton, Cline, Bacon, and Gepford. I've exchanged emails with McQueen (now Gaskill), wrote on Solen and Mastu's wall and I've chatted with Coon (now Domacilio) and Sauve.
I'm hoping this is just the beginning. It's definitely given me a lot of fodder for the blog.
In parting, here is a video that will hurt you so good.
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