Friday, January 16, 2009

Who Actually Participated in the Early Morning, All-Mission, Scripture Read?

Remember it? Each year, President Pope would select a book of scripture. Every morning, at the same time, the entire mission was to rise and, and as an apartment, read 5 or 10 pages (I can't remember which) from that book. The idea was that it would unify the entire mission in scripture study and prayer.

My trainer did it with me. After Never again. Not a single apartment I ever lived in participated in it. And I never initiated it, either.


  1. Funny that you should mention this. I'm currently making my way through the Old Testament because I've never read it from front to back. As I do this, I often remember the "early morning all-mission scripture reading" and think on how had I, and my apato-mates, done it more faithfully, I wouldn't need to be reading the OT now.

    That said, I think, as I did then, that it was a colossal waste of time in the daunting face of learning Nihogo, and feel no regret about the overwhelming majority of times I did not do it.

  2. I remember falling asleep to the sultry sound of Johnson's voice. Does that count?

  3. 10 pages, and yeah, we all took turns sleeping through the other readers' mumblings.
